Sunday 16 September 2012

Simple Enjoyment - Garage Sales & Picnics

This morning I needed to drive my daughter to meet her friend in a town about 20 minutes from our home, where she was going to spend around three hours with her friend.  My teenagers often need me to be their “taxi service”.  I packed myself a picnic lunch, coffee in a travel mug and a bottle of water and decided to spend the three hours in this beautiful part of the world.  Here I am with the sea breeze on my face on a warm spring morning, sitting at a picnic table and enjoying the surrounds for FREE!  What a nice place to be writing a blog, reading a book, then, going for a relaxing walk.

Often when I’m in this town I will have a look in the different craft and home ware shops and get inspired to create.  I get so surprised by the prices being asked, I often think how many hours does someone need to work to afford an item.  I like to cost things out on a minimum wage rate, so for 1 hours work at $15 per hour, how many hours would I need to work to be able to afford something.   I usually come back to, I’d rather spend an hour making something or creating something unique.

I also enjoy going to “high end” so to speak garage sales.  I like to go toward the end of the advertised time, as at this point the sellers seem to be more open to reducing the prices.  Here are a few of the bargains I have found recently:

                                              This framed mirror I picked up for $5

                                              This wall hanging I picked up for $1

                                              This basket cost me $2.

All items have found a nice spot in my home.

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