Thursday 20 September 2012

Shopping Day

I believe you can save the most money through shopping smart!

Decide on the best day for your grocery shopping each week and stick to that.  Buy everything you need for the week so you don’t have to do another grocery run later in the week.  This will save petrol, time and money, as you will not just buy the one or two items you have run out of, but will see other things and before you know it you have spent another $50 or more!

A shopping list is a must.  I keep a master shopping list, of all the items my family buy on a regular basis. I just print out a shopping list each week and keep it on the fridge. You can either tick or highlight the items you need.  Write on the list throughout the week as you run out of items.  This is especially great for when you want to do some baking, as you will never run out of flour, sugar, icing sugar etc.

I tend to eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables early in the week after my shopping day then eat frozen vegetables and canned fruit later in the week.

Alternatively start a vegetable garden that way you will always have fresh vegetables on hand.

The day you choose as your shopping day should also be the day you buy any other odds and ends the family may need at the shops, such as new socks, stationary, a birthday gift etc.  Add these extras to your shopping list as you think of them.

Shopping day is also a great time to meet up with a friend at a café for a treat.  A lot of cafes have loyalty cards, so over time you can earn yourself a free coffee, just stick to your favourite café.


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