Friday 14 September 2012

A Freezer is a Must!

All households should invest in a freezer.  Be it a small mini freezer or a large deep freezer, depending on your budget and size of your family.   You don’t necessarily have to buy a new freezer, try looking online for a second hand one, or purchase a factory second and there's always garage sales.  Just check the energy rating is good.

By having space to freeze items, you will save money and time in the long run.  I like to cook in bulk and then freeze items such as casseroles, soup, cupcakes, slices and a whole range of other items.  Once you get the hang of it, and have cooked up a few bulk items, it’s great for those busy evenings, just to grab something out of the freezer and reheat.
Here's just a few ideas:
Buying bread for the week, when it’s on special or has been reduced due to its used by date, is a great way to shop.  Supermarkets that bake their own items often reduce the price at the end of the day, so that can be a good time to shop.  Bread freezes well, and this way you won’t be having to shop more than once a week and be tempted to buy extra items, which all adds to your weekly budget.

Buy items such as bacon in a bulk pack, as they tend to be cheaper, then divide it up into serving sizes for your family and wrap it in alfoil, then freeze it.
I also buy deli meats in bulk when they are on special, again divide it up into serving sizes and freeze it.  This way you never have to throw out cold meats, as you only have in the fridge what you will need for the next few days.

Buying minced meat in bulk, when on special is another money saving idea.  You can divide it into 500g bags and then freeze it.  If you ask your butcher, they will bag it for you in 500g lots.  Any meats that your family enjoy can be purchased when on special and frozen.
Keep frozen bottles of water in summer, so you can take a cold drink where ever you go and you will not have to buy one.