Tuesday 18 September 2012

Home Schooling - The First Few Months

Once registered with the NSW Board of Studies, I tried to get my head around how this was all going to work.  I decided to take it a day at a time, and began to reconnect with my son.  I believe the most important ingredient for home schooling is love!  Within the first few weeks, I had a NEW CHILD, he was unwinding, relaxing and it then became very clear to me he was a practical learner.  I let him bounce on the trampoline between lessons, cook homemade scones, help prepare and cook dinner.  I decided to figure out what level he was actually working at, and build from there.  So I bought a collection of text books which we started to work through.

My new little shadow, as I used to call him, was learning how the world worked and how to live in the adult world.  I soon decided he would never return to school, as he was developing wonderfully and without a “label”.  He was gaining self-esteem and self-belief.  All the time he was at school, he would be in trouble at school and then in trouble at home, for being in trouble at school.  This created a child that believed he was trouble. 

His twin sister, who had started High School  was a year ahead of him as he had repeated a year, was now asking on a daily basis to be Home Schooled.  I finally decided to let her give it a go, thinking she would be back at school after a term or so, that was 3 years ago!  My daughter is a self-starter, I set her book work for the week and she goes about planning her week which has taught her time management skills.  She has a completely different learning style to her brother and is blossoming into a beautiful young lady.  We have developed a very close mother/daughter relationship and I’m pleased to say we enjoy each other’s company. 

People often ask about socialisation and are concerned my children don’t have social skills.  My answer to that is you would have to meet them and all your worries would disappear!  They are both very chatty and out-going.


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