Monday 17 September 2012

Home Schooling - Where we Began

Our Home Schooling journey began quite by accident!  I had been working full time, and was taking a break as I was quite burnt out.  At the time my son and daughter were 11 years old (the twins) and my eldest son, 14 years old.  Life was busy with the usual parenting, school and work demands.  My 11 year old son had been having trouble at school ever since he started.  I was always at the school trying to sort out the current issue, be it his learning, behaviour or the fact he would rather climb a tree than sit in class.  He was constantly on detention for running in the playground, not being in the line he was supposed to be in, and for being the class clown.

During my break from work, my son was suspended from school for a week, for an incident involving a school football.  As we sat together at home, and he tried to complete the work that was sent home, I finally took the time to notice how much he was struggling.  I went back to the school to ask for easier work, but he still struggled.  My son had been in counselling and seen numerous Doctors, but nothing seemed to be working.

Quite by chance I heard that Home Schooling was an option, I had always thought this was for families that travelled or hippies!  During the week my son was suspended, I found out all I could about Home Schooling, and thought if I could have him home for 6 months prior to High School, maybe I could bring him up to speed, so to speak.  So our Home Schooling journey began………………… more later

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