Tuesday 9 October 2012

Ideas to Save Money in the Kitchen

Making different homemade snacks, cakes, slices and muffins will save a heap of money.  These treats can be cut and wrapped into individual snacks and kept in the freezer to be taken as morning tea or for when visitors drop in.

I have a household rule – No food can be put in the bin!  The biggest waste of money in a household is wasted food.  Leftovers should be covered and put into the fridge, for lunch the next day or frozen for another meal.  We also feed leftovers to the dog or the chickens.   All fruit and vegetable scraps go into the compost bin or to the chickens.
We have about halved our rubbish that goes into landfill, by not wasting food, cooking from scratch and not purchasing as many packaged food items has also reduced our landfill waste.

Here are a few more ideas:

·         A way to not waste bruised apples that no one wants to eat is to stew them to make a yummy dessert.  Just peel apples and cut into pieces, then place in a saucepan with a small amount of water.  You can also add cinnamon, sultanas and even walnuts if you like.  Simmer apples on medium heat until tender.  I freeze this dessert in individual servings.


·         Keep the crusts of bread if no one in your family eats them and put them in the freezer.  Once you have about a dozen crusts, you can de-frost them and blend them to make breadcrumbs.  These are great to use when making homemade rissoles.


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