Tuesday 16 October 2012

Home Schooling - Some Practical Lessons

My children enjoy practical lessons and they seem to be a great way of teaching new skills and developing creativity.  They have learnt many useful living skills which will stay with them for life.  Often practical learning will involve Maths, Reading, Writing, Science and Time Management Skills.  I have learnt to think outside the square when it comes to schooling.

Cooking is a wonderful way to be creative, I let my children decide what they would like to cook (within reason) then add any ingredients to the weekly shopping list.  They then write out the recipe and add it to their own recipe folders which they have created.  Once the shopping is done, they have full use of the kitchen to create their masterpiece.  

A very blue and unhealthy masterpiece!

The children also help cook the evening meal; my daughter will often ask if she can cook something for dinner, usually a pasta dish as this is her favourite.

Letting the children be involved in the household budgeting helps them to become aware of how much things cost and that money doesn’t grow on trees!  My son has been involved in creating an Excel spread sheet to help compare bills and to   keep track of the household expenses.

 I believe getting children to participate in household duties helps develop their sense of belonging and achievement.  It also teaches children all that goes into running a home. 




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