Saturday 13 October 2012

Attitude Adjustment

Sometimes life just seems to be too hard and it’s difficult to stay positive and focussed.  When life gets me down and I seem to start worrying about every little thing.  I know I need to get things back into perspective.  I try to remember that when the time is right more information will be revealed to help me understand or deal with a certain situation I don’t need to have all the answers at once.  Life is a journey and if I have an easy does it attitude life seems to go more smoothly.  I tend to be able to ride the ups and downs better.  I try to have a gentler approach to the tough situations I find myself in and tell myself I’m doing the best I can at any given moment, this can help things seem more bearable.

Worrying about things too much can alter my perception until I lose all sense of reality.  I try to bring myself back to the facts and separate the emotions.  By keeping my thoughts in the present, as worrying focuses on the future, a lot of my worries don’t ever end up happening.  Today will have enough worries, so there’s no need to pile more worries into today, as anticipating all possible outcomes to situations is just me trying to protect myself.  I need to just take appropriate action as each situation throughout the day appears.  Letting myself indulge in worry is a choice that I don’t need to make.  I don’t need to act out of fear, as I’m learning to do life on a daily basis.  Enjoying this day as it won’t happen again, looking for the good and appreciating the little things.  Life can be simple and easy if I change my attitude.  I do have control over my reactions to things, sometimes I just need a listening ear and sometimes I need to be the listening ear for others.  I feel better already just by writing my feelings and thoughts!  I hope you too are feeling good today.


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