Tuesday 27 November 2012

Positive Affirmations

When negative thoughts and depression grips me I find it helpful to read my affirmation sheet, which I have hanging in my bedroom to help remind me all is ok.  After spending the past 7 months recovering from Ross River Fever, I have often felt frustrated that I don’t have the energy each day to do all the things I used to be able to get through.  I am slowly getting better and hopefully will return to my normal healthy self soon. 

Here are some of my affirmations that I’ve found helpful during this time:
  • I will get better in the next few months
  • I’m able to rest and not overload my day
  • I do enough – I am enough
  • I am living just for today
  • I will not push myself beyond my current energy level
  • I am committed to getting well
  • I am looking after myself
  • This too shall pass
  • I am going to recover
  • I am a good parent
  • I can think positively
  • I can let others help me
  • I can ask for help
  • I am grateful for friendships
  • I am taking care of myself physically, spiritually and emotionally
  • I don’t need others approval
  • I have a relationship with my God
  • I don’t need to feel guilty
  • I can treat myself well
  • I can do one day at a time
  • I don’t have to achieve everyday
  • I can rest and recuperate

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