Saturday 1 December 2012

Keeping my Life in Balance

As I look back on my life, I know for sure that it was not just the good times that made me what I am today, it was the hard times too.  Life for me is a journey,  as the years go by I now realise it’s best to stay in the moment and enjoy what this one day has to offer, as I will never get this time again.

Keeping my life in balance takes energy and self-reflection.  I have to make sure all my values are being met.

The things I value are:

·         My children and my role as a parent

·         My work and study

·         Home Schooling my children

·         My spiritual and emotional growth

·         My health and fitness

·         Intimacy and my self-care

·         My hobbies and relaxation time

·         My social life

I try to set achievable goals in each area of my life, which helps to keep me balanced.

Simple living adds to this balance and my overall wellbeing and contentment. 

I find spending time in my garden helps me relax and unwind from the day’s activities.  Just 10 minutes will often do the trick.


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